digital marketing trends

Top 3 Digital Marketing Trends

Money spent on digital ads is through the roof, and it doesn't appear it will slow anytime soon. Digital ads are surging thanks to our addiction to digital devices, which creates a big opportunity for advertisers. Tapping into these audiences is best when you know the best digital marketing trends and digital marketing tips.

Some of the top trends in digital marketing are video marketing, market research, and email marketing. Adding these digital marketing techniques to your toolbox will prove to be invaluable.

Read more about these top three digital marketing trends for 2022.

1. Video Marketing

Video marketing is a great way to add to your existing digital marketing efforts, creating more engaging content. People consuming videos online rises 100-percent each year, which means it's a big trend in digital marketing you must capitalize on!

Video allows you to be more entertaining in your presentation. You can also demonstrate how a product or service works.

Digital marketing techniques using video also allow you to humanize an experience. You can present product testimonials using videos where people show emotion.

Moreover, avoid creating video marketing content on your own. Hire a professional! You don't want a sloppy presentation, which doesn't look good for your business and its digital marketing plan.

2. Market Research

B2B digital marketing trends include market research to discover more about your potential clients or customers. Market research gives you insight into how they spend and their needs. Using this information can help you stay on top of other digital marketing trends in 2022, such as social media and video.

Market research also helps you tackle the competition and learn more about their strengths and weaknesses. You also won't waste money with outdated B2B digital marketing trends.

While you may know the best digital marketing trends in 2022, market research helps you plan for the future. Better marketing decisions also help you stick to the budget.

3. Email Marketing

Reaching people through email is a great digital marketing tip because you can repurpose content from your website or social media channels.

You can include just about anything you want in an email newsletter, including upcoming events, staff news, coupons, and links to content. Create a great 'call to action' to motivate readers to your product or service.

Email marketing is also easy on the budget. While it costs employee labor to produce, it costs nothing to send! There's no post office and no postage stamp.

Another benefit of email marketing newsletters is that the reader can forward them to a potential client or customer. The pass-along potential can be exponential.

Top Three Digital Marketing Trends

Consider the top three digital marketing trends in your upcoming marketing strategy, including video marketing, market research, and email marketing. Understanding how to use each of these techniques will help grow your business!

You can't afford to put lackluster into your marketing budget or plan. Contact us today and let us help you stay ahead of the latest digital marketing trends!