How to Create an Effective Small Business Digital Marketing Strategy

SEO Description: Is your small business digital marketing strategy delivering the results you expect? Check out our guide for tips to create a campaign that converts today.

Over 70% of leads aren't sales-ready when they first interact with your brand. In fact, 80% will never convert into sales. You don't have to struggle with a solid small business digital marketing strategy.

Instead, you can use the latest digital marketing tips to set your business up for lasting growth.

Not sure where to get started? Read on for the digital marketing advice you need today!

Understand Your Audience

Before applying the rest of these digital marketing tips, take a moment to research your target audience. Understanding your audience will ensure you appeal to their needs and interests. Otherwise, your content might not align with their goals or concerns.

Define who your customers are based on demographics and psychographics like:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Location
  • Marital status
  • Household income
  • Buying behaviors
  • Online behaviors
  • Education
  • Career
  • Interests
  • Hobbies
  • Pain points

Break your larger audience into smaller buyer personas based on your research.

Then, gather keyword research to determine what they search for while online. 

Optimize Your Website

Optimizing your website is an essential component of your digital marketing strategy.

Make sure your site is mobile-optimized, fast, secure, and user-friendly. Add multiple conversion opportunities across your site, too. 

Create Content

Create high-quality, engaging, informative content based on your audience and keyword research. You can create blog posts, infographics, polls, quizzes, and videos.

Then, share your content through social media, email, and other digital marketing campaigns. 


Nearly 70% of all experiences online start with a search engine like Google. In fact, fewer than 1% of Google users check the second page. Add search engine marketing (SEM) to your digital marketing campaign.

With SEM strategies, you can appear in front of consumers as they search for your products or services.

You can rank higher for organic searches with search engine optimization (SEO). With pay-per-click (PPC), you can appear on search engines, other sites, and social media platforms. Both SEO and PPC can become time-consuming if you lack experience, though.

Consider working with an experienced digital marketing agency. They'll ensure you develop a robust digital marketing strategy. With help, you can use SEM to generate leads, sales, and a higher ROI.

Stay Social

Social media marketing is a great way to engage your audience in real-time.

Consider hosting live Q&A sessions, video content, contests, or influencer marketing to expand your reach. Keep up with the latest digital marketing trends for each platform to remain relevant. 

Hire Professionals

If you need help with your digital marketing campaign, consider hiring a digital marketing agency. You can leverage their digital marketing advice to create more effective campaigns. With help from an experienced team, you can generate leads and sales to boost your ROI.

Better Businesses: Build Your Small Business Digital Marketing Strategy

A strong small business digital marketing strategy can help you generate brand awareness, leads, and sales. Use these simple digital marketing tips to get started. Otherwise, hire an agency to create your digital marketing campaign. 

With help, you can set your business up for long-term growth and success. 

Need help getting started? We're happy to lend a hand.

Schedule an appointment today to learn more!

Why Small Businesses Need to Embrace Digital Marketing

Almost half of all businesses don't have a digital marketing plan in place. Is your company among them?

If so, you need to make some moves. Small business digital marketing is essential for scaling your business in 2018. Advertising is on its way out, and digital marketing is taking the world by storm.

Want to learn more about digital marketing for small businesses, and how to create an effective online marketing plan? Read on to learn more about the importance of digital marketing strategies for small businesses.

It's the Way of the Future

83% of businesses report that their digital marketing tactics are working to grow their business. There's no denying that we live in a digital economy today. Smartphones are so pervasive that people spend 24 hours per week staring at their phone.

In the twenty-first century, you'll find people on digital outlets more than anywhere else. In the past, car passengers would certainly read bus stop benches as they zoomed past on the highway. Now, they stay occupied by the phones in their pockets.

Same goes for other popular forms of advertising, like newspapers, for instance. Every major news outlet has an app now, so people turn to their phones to get the latest news. It's easy, digestible, and usually free.

Even magazines are turning more and more toward digital publication. You'll find fewer places to place print ads in 2018. Those ads won't get beneath nearly as many people's eyes as digital strategies, either.

Connect with Your Ideal Client

One of the most potent uses of digital marketing strategies is to connect you to your ideal client. Digital marketing offers ways to market directly toward the exact demographic you're trying to target. Traditional advertising methods don't allow this direct targeting method.

Here's a social media marketing example. On Instagram, you can find hashtags that your ideal clients are searching on the app. Once you see these hashtags, you can begin to use them on your posts to reach that demographic.

Here's another example relevant to content marketing. By writing a blog and hosting it on your website, you can attract organic leads that are interested in what you have to say.

With some light research, you'll be able to find the questions your client base is asking online. From there, you can even tailor your blog topics to answer those questions directly. With some search engine optimization, this can land your potential clients right onto your website.

Your Small Business Digital Marketing Plan

Digital marketing is the only way to scale your business in 2018. As old traditional advertising methods die out, small business digital marketing has become a much stronger alternative. It's also the best way to reach your target demographic directly.

Want to learn more about how to dive into online marketing for small businesses? We can help there.

We specialize in inbound and video marketing, two of the most significant branch of digital marketing today. Get in touch to find out how we can help you scale your business!