Landing Pages can make or break your marketing

Landing Pages Can Make or Break Your Marketing Efforts

Businesses that have achieved online marketing success typically have websites with several key components. In addition to responsive, user-centered design and good content that's genuinely valuable to their readers; successful businesses utilize good landing pages throughout all of their marketing campaigns. This is because good landing pages are the bedrock of effective inbound marketing.

Your landing page is often the first representation of your company. It's what your potential customers see when they click on a search engine listing, a social media ad, a PPC ad, a blog post, a Slideshare, or a YouTube video etc.

In fact, whenever you post informative content and a call-to-action like:

  • Grab your copy of this free e-book,
  • Join our list for free updates,
  • Consult with an expert free, or
  • Receive a 30-day free trial without giving your credit card number, etc.

Your readers should click through to a landing page, not the homepage of your website. If you send them to your home page, they might not know what to do; and even if they can figure it out, they likely won't have the patience.

Landing pages are pages that are tailor-designed to provide each individual reader with what they want, while also gathering the contact information you need to:

  1. Nurture the lead,
  2. Hopefully, convert that person into a customer
  3. Then, convert him or her into a long-term customer and brand advocate

Landing Pages can make or break your marketing

One of the Main Reasons to Start Working with a Digital Marketing Agency Today: 

"You only have 8 seconds to get your readers' attention online."

There are too many other websites and vendors competing for your readers' time. Give them exactly what they've come to your website for in a compelling way, and they will stay long enough for you to get a lead.

That's why landing pages are such a crucial part of your online sales funnel. When your goal is to attract only local customers, sometimes landing pages are the only part of your online sales funnel. For example:

  1. A potential local client sees your ad,
  2. They click-through to find the exact information they're looking for, (who you are, what you do, why you're qualified to solve their problem and a simple offer or a basic call-to-action).
  3. They contact you, and
  4. The person-to-person sales process begins

Many experts believe that good landing pages are the most crucial part of most sales funnels. They also recommend A/B testing several different landing page ideas and using the most effective one.

When you're ready to take your business to the next level, contact us at Harness Consulting. We use a combination of the most effective marketing strategies to make sure we get and keep your potential clients' attention longer.

You will come across some firms that offer only PPC management, others that offer only SEO consulting and others that specialize in only video marketing.

  • According to Unisource, 90% of users say that seeing a video about a product is helpful in the decision-making process.
  • According to ComScore, after watching video, 64% of users are more likely to buy a product online; and
  • PPC campaigns like Google Adwords are converting at a nice average of around 2.7%.

Why Limit Yourself to One Strategy?

We have experts in every online marketing sector that will work hand-in-hand to design and manage your campaigns, so you can get the most out of your advertising dollar. We know what strategies build businesses in the modern marketplace.