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Climbing Gym Marketing: How to Get Climbers Offline and Into Your Gym

Climbing Gym Marketing and social media marketing is easy, right?  Put up a Facebook page, pin a few items on Pinterest, or put pictures of your facility on Instagram, and anyone who sees your social media presence will come right in. While social media marketing isn’t quite that easy, it is a relatively simple way to create an opportunity to interact with potential members. It’s the personal interaction that will ultimately get your online followers off the internet and into your climbing gym. Here are a few ways you can use social media to convert followers into loyal members.

Pin it to Win it

If you have a Pinterest site with followers, your pins are being “liked” and repinned, you might be wondering how to turn this into more members for your facility. Try a “pin it to win it” contest. Pinterest contests are a great way to get potential members to interact with your pins, and make the decision to join your gym.

Facebook Challenge Groups

Challenge groups on Facebook have become really popular, and they are a great way to get and keep people engaged for a predetermined time period. Offer a 30-day climbing challenge to encourage people to come into your gym to complete challenge tasks. You can assign point values for tasks, and the points go towards entries to win prizes.

Cross Promote On Instagram

Instagram is a great way to showcase your gym and its features, as well as show how much fun members are having while there. It’s also a great way to team up with other local businesses to generate more traffic for everyone, and increase your membership. By joining forces with other businesses, you are getting your gym noticed by people who are already spending money elsewhere. Cross promote with a local sporting goods stores, health food markets, yoga studios, or massage parlors to catch the interest of people who are already interested in health and fitness, and may be more likely to take action, and join your gym.

Social media marketing offers limitless opportunity when it comes to being creative in your marketing. Contact us for more ways to use it to build your business.

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